Water Overview

  • Radioactivity Produced by the Oil & Gas Industry

    Video: Shocking results of a 7-year investigation of radioactivity produced by the oil and gas industry as they bring radioactive elements to the surface along with water, oil and gas. (See webinar Q&A here: http://bit.ly/3JdLoJy.)

  • Risks to Drinking Water from Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR)

    This 60-page report documents serious threats to groundwater (the source of drinking water for millions of people) from “enhanced oil recovery” (EOR), which pumps carbon dioxide (CO2) deep below ground to extract oil and gas.

  • Industry Group Admits CCS Can Increase Water Use by 90%

    The Global CCS Institute, an industry trade group, says CCS (carbon capture and storage) requires so much extra water that CCS “can be of concern in water scarce areas.” Much of the planet is already water-scarce (http://bit.ly/48SGInG) and growing worse because of climate change.

  • Technical study says CCS would "almost double" human water use

    This technical study says widespread use of CCS to meet climate goals “would almost double” human use of water. Large regions of the planet are already facing water scarcity, even without CCS (http://bit.ly/48SGInG).

  • Study says "small CO2 leakage" from CCS could harm quality of drinking water lying above.

    Proponents of CCS plan to pump billions of tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) deep below ground. This study concludes that even “small” CO2 leakage could contaminate drinking water lying above.

  • Video: Iowa's precious water being given to CCS projects with little forethought or oversight

    In this video, Iowa rural resident Jessica Wiskus reveals scandalous gifting of Iowa’s precious water to politically-connected CCS projects.

  • Video: Water is a Unifying Theme for All Aspects of CCS

    A focus on water can unify and solidify opposition to CCS. In this video, three seasoned activists show how water is central to carbon capture & storage in Minnesota, Louisiana and Texas.

  • Louisiana CCS project raises questions about state's water supply

    The plan to add CCS to the Cleco power plant has raised questions about adequate water supply, even in water-rich Louisiana.

  • Water Keeper Alliance: CCS is a waste of water

    More than 500 groups signed this letter to officials in Canada and the U.S. saying CCS is a waste of water and of public money needed to fix more urgent problems.

  • The Water-Energy-Food Connection

    Here is a deep dive into water already needed for food and energy, worldwide. Planned deployment of CCS will vastly increase the water needed for energy. But there is already no water to spare.