Carbon capture and storage (CCS) is dangerous, expensive, wasteful, and unnecessary.

  • One-Pager: Stop the U.S. Forest Service from Allowing Carbon Waste Dumping in National Forests

    The U.S. Forest Service is proposing to allow “permanent” carbon waste dumping from industrial sources in National Forests. Read this helpful one-pager to learn more.

  • Thousands Oppose Industrial Carbon Waste Dumping in National Forests

    More than 9,000 people urged the U.S. Forest Service to halt plans to allow carbon waste from industrial sources like fossil fuel power plants to be dumped in national forests.

  • Exxon is Betting the Future on CCS, but...

    …there’s a catch. In this 19-minute video, top Exxon executives say the company will require a government subsidy of $100 to $210 per ton of carbon dioxide (CO2) to make CCS profitable.

  • M.I.T. Engineering Professor Says CCS is a Total Waste of Money

    In the New York Times Aug. 16, 2022, M.I.T. engineering professor Charles Harvey shows that every dollar spent on carbon capture & storage (CCS) is wasted because cleaner, cheaper alternatives are available now.

  • Stanford University study describes low-cost solutions to the climate emergency, which are available NOW

    In this 2022 study, Stanford professor Mark Jacobson and colleagues show how 145 countries could eliminate fossil fuels (80% by 2030), save a lot of money, improve public health and create millions of good jobs.

  • Video: Martha Arguello -- CO2 is merely the Co-pollutant

    Martha Arguello, Executive Director, Los Angeles Physicians for Social Responsibility, explains that capturing carbon will do nothing to reduce the toxic pollutants that are already sickening and killing millions of people in the U.S. each year.

  • CCS Increases Toxic Emissions from Power Plants

    This technical article reveals that adding post-combustion CCS to an existing power plant will increase “traditional” pollutants, as follows: nitrogen oxides (44 percent increase), ammonia (30-fold increase), particulate matter (33 percent increase). See Table 3.

  • Carbon Capture Cannot Stop the Oil Industry from Giving Cancer to Children

    Capturing CO2 from oil extraction will do nothing to prevent public health horrors from the oil industry’s other toxic emissions, such as leukemia in children.

  • Gulf Coast CCS Boom Stymied by the Cost of CCS

    To make CCS affordable, Uncle Sam offers a “tax credit” (money deducted from taxes owed) to corporations that bury CO2 below ground or under the Gulf of Mexico. But to take advantage of the tax credit, you have to owe a lot of taxes, which many oil companies don’t because of tax loopholes they enjoy. Therefore, the proposed Gulf Coast CCS boom is stymied, says the Houston Chronicle.

  • Wyoming Coal Plants Reveal That CCS is Simply Too Expensive

    To pay for CCS, Wyoming coal plants tell regulators they would have to charge their electricity customers 13% to 16% more. New coal plants already cost at least $4600 per kilowatt vs. $1800 per kilowatt for solar and wind.

  • Collective EJ Statement on CCS in California

    CCS is a climate dead end and a means of delaying meaningful climate action, says this June 2022 statement from 11 environmental justice organizations in California.

  • Hundreds of Environmental Justice Organizations oppose CCS in comments to the Council on Environmental Quality

    The Climate Justice Alliance, Indigenous Environmental Network, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, the Michigan Environmental Justice Coalition, and many others submit a devastating critique of CCS to the President’s Council on Environmental Quality.

  • Affordable Solutions to the Climate Emergency Are Available Now Off-the-Shelf

    Here we offer links to freely-available studies by qualified experts who show that the U.S. and global economies could prosper without fossil fuels (and without CCS). The shift can be accomplished by 2035 if governments commit to it.

  • Health and environment groups in California have petitioned their government to stop promoting CCS

    Led by Physicians for Social Responsibility, 14 leading health and environmental organizations have written a devastating critique of CCS and CCUS, asking California government to stop promoting the failed, unhealthy technology

  • Deep South Center for Environmental Justice Fact Sheet on CCS

    There are 19 proposed CCS projects in Louisiana. Environmental Justice groups are fighting against them, and this fact sheet shows why.

  • Environmental Justice Leaders Have Questioned CCS Since 2011

    More than 10 years ago, Environmental Justice leaders wrote to Lisa P. Jackson, who was then the Administrator of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), offering scientific evidence that CCS makes coal-fired power plants more dangerous and unhealthy for local communities.

  • Ethics, Justice, and Possible Solutions

    The most basic issues of ethics and justice come directly from climate change itself. Is it fair or just for fossil-fuel executives (and the politicians they support) to ruin the future for today’s young people? Climate change is contributing to long-term, widespread droughts (with crop losses and food shortages), floods, wildfires, storms (hurricanes, tornadoes, derechos) and heat waves, making whole regions uninhabitable, causing mass migrations, which create misery, conflict, violence and death. The purpose of CCS – the only purpose – is to continue burning fossil fuels, at great expense (measured in dollars and in misery, sickness and death from pollution). Cheaper, cleaner, proven solutions already exist. CCS is an unethical, unjust diversion from what we know we need to do to assure today’s young people a livable future. CCS is not the solution; CCS is the problem.

  • CCS vs. Democracy: 593 U.S. Citizen's Groups Oppose CCS

    At least 593 U.S. citizens’ groups are on record opposing carbon capture & storage.

  • Comparing Renewable Electricity and CCS

    This study concludes that renewable electricity (solar and wind), with energy storage, delivers more energy output with less energy input, compared to fossil-fuel power plants that use carbon capture and storage. In short, CCS wastes energy, compared to renewable energy systems. These basic physical facts tell us that all nations can benefit by ignoring CCS and racing to develop a renewable energy system as quickly as possible.